Defamation, Libel, & Slander
False statements about a company or individual can cause serious reputational and financial harm. Understanding the elements of defamation and how to establish proof is key.

Award Winning Defamation, Libel, & Slander Attorneys

Defamation can severely tarnish the reputation of a business or individual. The consequences of damaging a reputation are very real. Business defamation can mean less customers and loss of goodwill, causing irreparable harm. Defaming an individual’s character can result in severe depression, strain with family and friends, and job loss or other monetary damages.
At Cantrell Schuette, P.A., our attorneys have over a combined 35 years of substantial experience representing businesses and individuals in connection with defamation claims. Many attorneys only handle a few lawsuits involving defamation during their entire career, if ever. Our attorneys regularly advise businesses and individuals on their rights relating to defamation. We represent clients ranging from everyday individuals to those with very high net worth, celebrity status, and businesses.
Defamation laws vary from state to state. Generally speaking, defamation occurs when someone makes a false statement about another person to a third-party and that false statement causes damage. The context for defamation varies widely. Defamatory statements can be made by individuals or businesses.
There are two types of defamation: spoken, which is called slander, and written, which is called libel.
The legal standard for what a business or person must prove to win a defamation lawsuit depends on whether the person or business defamed is a public or private figure. It is much more difficult for someone considered a public figure to win a defamation lawsuit. What is a public figure? Basically, anyone who has become a household name, such as a politician or celebrity. A public figure must prove that the false statement at issue was made with actual malice.
A private figure, on the other hand, is someone who has not sought out the public spotlight or had it placed on them unwillingly. Most businesses and individuals are considered private figures. A private figure must only prove that the false statement at issue was made with negligence (i.e., a reasonable person would have known the statement was false).
If you have questions, contact us at (877) 858-6868 or

Cantrell Schuette, P.A. handles both libel and slander lawsuits. Libel lawsuits often derive from the internet, sometimes called internet libel, online defamation, or cyber defamation, and can include false statements on any public forum, including:
- Online reviews
- Social media (e.g., LinkedIn posts, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.)
- Website pages
- Comments on websites
- Blog or forum posts
Slander, or verbal defamation, can also occur in many contexts, including on television or streaming platforms, on video posted to websites or on social media, on the radio, and at meetings.
Regardless of the context, the harm caused by defamation can be substantial. It is important to speak with a defamation lawyer with substantial experience.
Were you or your business defamed? If so, you may be entitled to compensation and other relief. Apart from financial compensation, a defamation lawsuit can help repair a business or person’s reputation and may result in the retraction or taking down of written defamation statements, such as those posted to the internet.
To speak with us for a free initial consultation, contact us at (877)858-6868 or