Georgia Sexual Harassment Attorneys

Every individual has the right to a safe and respectful work environment free from sexual harassment. Cantrell Schuette, P.A. is here to help protect and enforce those rights.

Award Winning Sexual Harassment Attorneys

Do You Need a Georgia Sexual Harassment Attorney?

Cantrell Schuette, P.A. is one of few law firms in Georgia that focuses its practice on employment law, including representing individuals in claims for sexual harassment and sexual assault. We know Georgia sexual harassment laws backward and forwards. Unlike many other law firms, we purposefully limit the number of clients we represent in lawsuits. We focus on our core competencies, including sexual harassment claims. If you are considering a Georgia sexual harassment attorney, please give us a call at (877) 858-6868. For an overview of sexual harassment law in Georgia, see below.

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment in Georgia?

In Georgia, whether conduct constitutes sexual harassment is based on federal and state law. The following are some of the main laws that prohibit sexual harassment and place restrictions on whether a claim of sexual harassment will be successful:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII makes it unlawful for an employer to refuse to hire, to terminate the employment of, or to otherwise discriminate against an individual based on a protected class. “Protected classes” include sex, religion, color, race, sexual orientation, age, disability, and national origin. Title VII is a federal law that bans discrimination in the workplace. It applies to most employers with 15 or more employees. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VI.
  • Georgia Sexual Harassment Law. Unlike many other states, there are no specific laws in Georgia that prohibit sexual harassment. However, employers with 15 or more employees in Georgia are still subject to the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of common examples of conduct that constitute sexual harassment in Georgia:

  • Unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature (e.g., kisses, hugs, butt or genital touching, rape)
  • Unsolicited discussions or questions about sex
  • Sexual jokes, innuendos, or explicit comments
  • Propositioning someone else for sexual favors
  • Threatening adverse employment actions if an employee doesn’t agree to sexual favors
  • Nude or otherwise sexually inappropriate images in the workplace
  • Surprise dates under the pretense of a “work meeting”
  • Suggestive text messages or emails
  • Inappropriate communications after work hours
  • Cornering someone in a tight space
  • Repeated compliments on the employee’s physical looks
  • Unwanted or inappropriate gifts of a romantic/sexual nature

In Georgia, to assert a claim of sexual harassment, individuals must timely file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) for relief under Title VII.  Federal law imposes a 300-day statute of limitations on filing claims with the EEOC; this means you have 300 days from the date harassment occurred to file a claim under Title VII with the EEOC. This is a required administrative process, prior to filing a lawsuit.

It’s important to talk to one of our Georgia employment lawyers for information regarding your specific situation. To learn more about the firm’s experience in sexual harassment and sexual assault cases, please see the firm’s sexual harassment practice.

What to Look for in a Georgia Sexual Harassment Attorney

When looking for a Georgia sexual harassment lawyer, you are encouraged to compare the background of the Georgia sexual harassment lawyers you are considering. Apart from subject matter experience, consider the educational background, past results, and what references say about their own experiences. At Cantrell Schuette, P.A., our attorneys hail from the top law schools and have graduated near the top of their class. Each of our attorneys are committed to working tirelessly on behalf of our clients, striving for an effective and efficient outcome. We are glad to share references, from individual business owners and executives to mid-sized companies and Fortune 500 companies.

Finally, when vetting for a sexual harassment attorney, select one who cares! At Cantrell Schuette, P.A., we purposely make sexual harassment claims one of our few core practice areas. Why? Because we believe sexual harassment and sexual assault are not only unlawful but are simply unacceptable.  We are here to represent you because we care. We want your voice to be heard, whether that be through hard-nosed confidential negotiations or, as if often needed, a lawsuit.

We handle sexual harassment disputes throughout Georgia, including, for example, the cities of  Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, Augusta, Columbus, Tifton, Albany, Americus, Cordele, Brunswick and more.

Other Practice Areas

Cantrell Schuette, P.A. is a litigation boutique with subject matter expertise in employment law. Common examples of disputes concerning employment law we handle include unpaid wages and overtime, discrimination on the basis of sex, race, age, or religion, employee benefits, family and medical leave, hostile work environment, and retaliation.  The attorneys at our law firm have handled a significant number of sexual harassment cases, representing both employers, employees, and third-parties. Knowing ahead of time the strategies that the other party will likely use enables us to represent you more effectively and with confidence. Please visit the firm’s litigation practice areas for more details on the type of disputes we handle and examples of past results.

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