Franchise & Dealer Association Attorneys

We have a track record of successfully representing and counseling franchises nationwide. We also serve as franchisee association lawyers for existing independent associations and groups of franchisees or dealers that are considering organizing.

Award Winning Franchise & Dealer Association Lawyers

Cantrell Schuette is recognized as a national leading law firm in representing franchisees. As part of our franchisee and dealer practice group, we provide legal counsel to franchisee and dealership associations and those who are considering organizing into a group or formal association. Franchisee associations serve many purposes, including but not limited to:

  • They serve as a formal mechanism for franchisees or dealers to communicate with one another.
  • They provide strength in numbers to better enable successful negotiations with the franchisor.
  • They allow franchisees or dealers with concerns to avoid sticking their neck out with the association serving as the voice of the franchisee or dealers concerns. 
  • They help reduce costs with buying cooperatives.
  • They help reduce litigation costs by pooling funds to hire outside counsel when a franchisee attorney is desired for purposes of negotiations or litigation. 

Our franchisee attorneys can help organize and counsel franchisee and dealer associations. In most cases, franchisors are glad to work with franchisee associations to solve problems and otherwise improve the franchise system. 

To speak with a franchise association attorney, contact us at or 1-877-858-6868

Franchisors and Franchisees Attorneys